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3 Ways a Foot Spa Can Relieve Stress and Help You Relax

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After having a long and difficult day, book an appointment with a foot spa in order to relieve stress and tension in your body and relax. A foot spa can do wonders for your mental and physical health. There are plenty of services offered that are designed specifically to help you unwind. In fact, here are three ways most foot spas go about helping you achieve peace of mind and a relaxed body. Read More»

Questions You Should Ask When Booking A Bridal Massage

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When the wedding planning is done and all that’s left to do is enjoy the big day, many brides will want to relax for a few hours — and there’s no better way to relax than with a bridal massage. Whether you’re achy from carrying tables and chairs and setting up your venue or just in need of some stress reduction before you walk down the aisle, your local massage therapist can be the answer. Read More»

3 Gift Ideas For Your Employees This Holiday Season

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With the holidays just around the corner, it’s never too early to begin thinking of ways to show your employees just how much you appreciate the work that they do. If you’re stuck on gift ideas, however, consider the three gift ideas mentioned below for this upcoming holiday season. Luxury Food Items One of the best gifts you can give someone is a gift that they wouldn’t have thought to buy for themselves or one that they’d rather not splurge on. Read More»

What Type Of Massage Is Right For You—Cupping, Deep Tissue, or Yoga?

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If you’re looking to relax and get a massage, then it is helpful to understand something about the different types of massage therapy. Some types of massage are better suited for different people. So, before you make an appointment, read the descriptions to see which one is best for your own needs. Cupping Therapy While this is not strictly massage, it is often grouped in with massage, so you should be aware of it. Read More»

Three Ways To Help Combat Depression Naturally

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Dealing with depression in an ongoing battle, but there are some little things you can do to lift your spirits as you work with your health professionals to treat the condition. Here are some things you can try to ease the symptoms of depression with.  1. Get a massage Massage therapy can be a great way to combat symptoms of depression, and it can also treat the cause in many cases. Read More»

To Talk Or Not To Talk: A Primer For First-Time Massage Therapy Clients

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When you’re a massage therapy client for the first time, there are a handful of things you’ll want to think about in advance of your appointment. While your therapist will be able to happily answer any questions that you may have, you’ll need to figure out your comfort zone regarding certain elements. One of these is talking; some clients enjoy talking throughout the session, while others do not. The same holds true for massage therapists. Read More»

2 Tips For Using Massage Therapy To Treat A Muscle Strain Experienced While Running

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Running on a consistent basis is not only a good way for improving your cardiovascular health and endurance, but it will also help to strengthen your entire body. While running more often can cause less discomfort, it can also result in an increased likelihood of developing an injury. Each time that you decide to push your body, you risk exposing it to muscle strains. Muscle strains are only temporary and will heal if you give your muscles some time to recover. Read More»

3 Fun Ways To Bond With Your Partner

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Bonding is important in any relationship, but it doesn’t come without some legwork on each partner’s part. Here are three fun things you can do together to improve your bond and your relationship: Get a Massage Together Scheduling a couples massage for you and your partner is an excellent way to reconnect and improve your fond feelings for one another. You’ll have the time to relax side-by-side without having to say a word to each other if you don’t want to. Read More»

How Therapeutic Massage Could Help You Manage Your Diabetes

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If you have diabetes, you know you have to pay close attention to your diet and take your medication on schedule. Diabetes can take an emotional and physical toll on your body due to the stress of managing the disease. Relaxation and stress relief are important when you have this medical condition so you can maintain a healing state that helps your blood sugar normalize. One thing that can help you relax and manage your diabetes is therapeutic massage. Read More»

Improve Your Performance With Sports Massage

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Whether you are an elite marathon runner, or you enjoy playing sports on the weekend, sports massage is an effective way to improve your overall performance. By targeting muscles, ligaments and tendons that are overused during your sport of choice, a massage therapist will keep you moving towards your goals. Massage Enhances Muscle Repair After you workout, your muscles need to recuperate. Delayed muscle soreness generally sets in after a strenuous exercise routine, or after trying out a new type of exercise. Read More»