Talking About Massage Therapy

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To Talk Or Not To Talk: A Primer For First-Time Massage Therapy Clients

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When you're a massage therapy client for the first time, there are a handful of things you'll want to think about in advance of your appointment. While your therapist will be able to happily answer any questions that you may have, you'll need to figure out your comfort zone regarding certain elements. One of these is talking; some clients enjoy talking throughout the session, while others do not. The same holds true for massage therapists. There are a handful of advantages and disadvantages to talking or keeping silent throughout the session. You can evaluate them and then decide how you wish to proceed.


Pro: One of the benefits of talking during your massage is that it keeps the lines of communication open between you and your massage therapist. This means that you can freely give feedback on the treatment; for example, ask for lighter or heavier pressure in a certain area, or ask for a specific area to be focused on or skipped.

Con: When you talk steadily throughout the massage, it can sometimes be difficult to relax. One of the keys to enjoying your massage is to relax deeply, and constantly talking, thinking and listening can make this goal a bit of a challenge for some people.

Being Silent

Pro: Perhaps the biggest advantage to being silent during your massage is that it promotes greater relaxation. This can help you get more value out of the appointment — the more you're relaxed, the more your muscles will soften up and the therapist will be able to effectively treat them. Many massage clients fall asleep during their treatment, which is a pleasant way to get some much-needed rest and relaxation during the day.

Con: For some people, staying silent doesn't necessarily mean that the mind is no longer active. Rather, people can process issues — perhaps replaying a conversation with their boss or colleague from earlier in the day or working on drafting an email that needs to be sent at work — that can result in an obstacle to relaxation. For these people, a little talking might actually help them to relax more deeply.

Find What Works

It's not only important to find what works for you, but to also share your intention with the therapist. Many therapists follow the premise of chatting for the early part of the massage, and then moving into silence afterward. Regardless of what you want, sharing it with your therapist will ensure that your request is respected. For more information about visiting a massage therapist, contact a company like Gulf Coast Massage & Skin Care.
