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Questions You Should Ask When Booking A Bridal Massage

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When the wedding planning is done and all that's left to do is enjoy the big day, many brides will want to relax for a few hours — and there's no better way to relax than with a bridal massage. Whether you're achy from carrying tables and chairs and setting up your venue or just in need of some stress reduction before you walk down the aisle, your local massage therapist can be the answer. Many massage therapists are used to treating brides in advance of their big day; when you call to schedule your appointment, here are some questions to ask.

Will You Work Off-Site?

Although you might be happy to drive to the massage therapy clinic, it might be desirable to enjoy the massage at home to allow deeper relaxation — as well as to help save you time if your schedule is tight. It's useful to ask if the massage therapist will visit your home; many therapists can travel to off-site locations with their folding table and supplies. However, some therapists wish to see a minimum number of clients to make their trip worthwhile. If this is the case, you might wish to see if your soon-to-be-spouse, mother, or maid of honor also wishes to have a massage.

Can You Treat Me After I've Done My Hair And Makeup?

Some brides-to-be like the idea of booking a massage on the morning of their wedding as a nice way to relax. You have the choice of scheduling this appointment first thing in the morning before your other duties for the day, but some people wish to have it occur closer to the start of the ceremony — perhaps even after they've had their hair and makeup done. If this is the case, ask the therapist if he or she can still treat you; for example, the therapist might concentrate on your shoulders and back, and can position you in a manner that your hair and makeup aren't disturbed.

What Kind Of Pressure Do You Use?

It's likely that your massage therapist can apply several types of pressure, but you might wish to have a softer massage so that your muscles aren't in pain on your big day. While many clients prefer deep pressure for treating aches, if you're looking for a massage mainly for the purpose of relaxation, make sure that this message is clear and that your massage therapist will treat you accordingly.
