Talking About Massage Therapy

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4 Incredible Benefits Of Thai Yoga Massage

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Anyone who has had a massage session, even a quick one, will tell you it is a perfect way to unwind. Massages aim at relaxing tight muscles and offsetting pressure from various tissues. Thai yoga massages go the extra mile to incorporate techniques such as gentle twists, stretches, and asanas for enhanced outcomes. The following are a few recreational and health benefits of Thai yoga massage. 1. Get a Two-in-One Service Read More»

3 Reasons Why Massage Therapy Could Help Asthmatics

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If you have asthma, you may be looking at adjunctive treatments to your current medications and practices. You’ll want to talk with your doctor first, but if they give you the go-ahead, one therapy you may want to try is massage therapy. One study found that massage therapy could help children with asthma improve their pulmonary function and reduce inflammatory factors. Here are just three reasons why visiting a massage therapy spa could help your symptoms. Read More»

How Massage Therapists Can Improve Their Practice

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Massage therapy is a line of work that lets you help clients of all ages deal with pain and soreness. It can make you a lot of money and give you rewarding experiences with clients. If you want to be the best massage therapist you can be, utilize these tips.  Invest in Training and Education Once you earn a license to work as a massage therapist, you don’t want to stop learning and training. Read More»